Friday February 7, 2020

Feb 07 2020

The Lunchbox is our school’s gender & sexuality alliance, we meet today at lunch in the Dance Studio. See Mr. McLeod or Mrs. Castro for more info.

The Improv club is meeting today after school in the drama room. Beginners always welcome!

Tomorrow 12 students from grade 9 through 12 will be heading to the Dominican Republic to represent WVSS by building a house for a needy family in the small community of La Union. The students collectively fund raised $27,300 to purchase the building materials. This will be our 3rd house constructed in this community.

For those interested in playing on the Highlander Hockey Team, there will be a meeting tomorrow at lunch in room C231.

Grade 8 students, a reminder that your math teacher will be collecting your course selection sheets in class today.

Attention Writers and Visual Artists – Good news! The WVSS Current Submissions deadline has been extended to this Friday. Get your submissions in!

Do you have a lot of old or unused school supplies? Bring it to school! Donation bins are in every English classroom.

Grade 12 International Students are entitled to a free yearbook, please put your name on the list in Mrs. Madill’s office. Please make sure you have reserved one!