Thursday, October 3, 2019

Oct 03 2019

Reminder: Any students interested in being involved in the school play, we are offering daily drop-in scriptwriting sessions during FIT in the drama room. All are welcome. Come read for a character or share your ideas for the script.

Streamkeepers and EPN mandatory meeting at Lunch today in Room C338 (Ms. Earland’s room).

All orchestra and band students are reminded to pick up instruments at the start of lunch today.

The Fashion Club will be meeting today in the textiles room (Mrs. Petersons). We are excited to see you there!

Best Buddies will have a meeting on Thursday at lunch in room C238. Important meeting, please be there!

Congratulations to the Bantam Black Volleyball Team for beating Sentinel! Great work to the Bantam Red Team who played hard but lost to Rockridge – keep fighting girls!

Through excellent passing and teamwork, the grade 9 girls volleyball team decisively won 2 sets to zero against Elphinstone Gold. After a close second game, Elphinstone’s second team won 2 sets to one. Great effort girls, good luck in Seaquam Friday!

Volunteers needed! This Sunday for Pumpkinfest at the WV Community Center. Please sign up in C303 today if you are interested.

Have a good sense of humour? Enjoy making up original characters? Looking to compete in a school sport that involves performing on stage and making up scenes with nothing more than a suggestion from the audience? Try out for the WVSS Improv Team! Sign-up on the bulletin board outside the drama room, or talk to Mr. McLeod. Try-outs will be this Friday in the drama room. No experience necessary.