Apr 5th 2019

Apr 05 2019

The Lunchbox is our school’s GSA (gender and sexuality alliance. The Lunchbox is a drop-in that happens in the dance studio every Friday at lunch. No labels, no judgement, no commitment. Come check it out today.

Improv club meets today after school. Anyone interested in trying it out is welcome to come and join us in the drama room today after school.

A reminder to our Dominican Republic trip students that we will be sharing our pictures and having pizza at lunch today in the computer lab, room C231

Attention Grads – The photos from your Prom are in the counselling office.

Sailing Club will be having a meeting today at lunch in W252. Please bring your form. Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary.

Congratulations to the WVSS Golf team for winning their first match of the season against Carson Graham.

Calling all models, hair stylists and makeup artists! WVSS will be having a Fashion Show on May 16th and we need volunteers to model garments and do hair and makeup. Sign up sheets are in the Textiles room C232. For more information, talk to Mrs. Gruber or Mrs. Peterson.

Come & sign up for the RBC Run for the Kids. Sunday June 2, 2019. Please see your PHE teacher for more details.

Just a reminder to grade 12’s applying for District Scholarships the deadline to apply is TODAY @ 3pm. Please drop off your applications.v