Jan 31st 2019

Jan 31 2019

Temple University Japan is visiting at lunch today by the cafeteria.

After and incredible season, the Grade 8 Bantom boys Basketball team lost an exciting back and forth game against Handsworth last night. After a strong comeback from half, thanks to amazing defense and hustle, the boys took the lead in the last quarter until the final minutes when Handsworth hung on to win 40 to 37. Great season boys, we look forward to seeing more in the years to come!

This is a reminder that the mixed chamber choir has a make-up rehearsal tomorrow morning at 7:30am. Again, that’s the mixed chamber choir tomorrow at 7:30am.

Students who have NOT had their photo taken for a student card should come to the office on MONDAY Feb 4th at 1:30pm for pictures. This is only for New Students who have NOT had their photo taken. See the list in the office to confirm.

Hey West Van! Are you looking to gain some great experience and get service hours?! The South Campus School Store is hiring for term 2. Sign up sheets are in Mrs. Forsyth’s office at south campus.