Sept 12th 2018

Sep 12 2018

Ms. Finch’s Senior Fit class is hiking today. Please meet sharply at the front entrance at 1:15pm to catch the Bus! That’s Senior Fit – meet at 1:15 at the front ready to hike through the beautiful forest!

Attention Swimmers. There will be a swim team meeting today at lunch in the CRC.

Students involved in the School Play: you are meeting again after school today in the drama room for another script writing session. Hope you can join us, but it’s ok if you can’t!

10 student volunteers are needed TODAY after school to help with the Fruit & Veggie Program! Come to the north campus foods room (C230) and get volunteer hours! Ms. Seo & Ms. Tanfara need your help!

Attention Fashion Industry 12 students: Your first class is Thursday Sept 13th from 3-5 pm in Room C232 (the textiles room). See you there!

Hey West Van! Are you looking to gain some great experience AND get service hours? Look no further, the School Store is hiring for Term 1. Sign up sheets are in the office and in the Library – go sign up now!

Are you interested in being the Leader of a Club this year? Stop by and pick up a Clubs application from the main office.

Sustainable Resource Students, there is a MANDATORY Lunch meeting Today in Mrs. Earland’s classroom C338.