Sept 11th 2018

Sep 11 2018

Grade 8 Rugby. The first practice of the year is TODAY on the south campus field @3pm. All players interested in playing should come out today.

Hey West Van! Are you looking to gain some great experience AND get service hours? Look no further, the School Store is hiring for Term 1. Sign up sheets are in the office and in the Library – go sign up now!

Students interested in Environmental Club and Streamkeepers, there is a meeting at lunch TODAY in C338 with Mrs. Earland.

Are you interested in being the Leader of a Club this year? Stop by and pick up a Clubs application from the main office.

Yesterday’s afterschool meeting about the School Play has been postponed to TODAY, Sept 11th after school in the Drama Room.

Attention all Yearbook Students: we have an important meeting Today after school in room C236. If you have signed up for yearbook or you are interested and on the wait list to join, you must attend.
See you then!!

Sustainable Resource Students, there is a MANDATORY Lunch meeting on Wednesday in Mrs. Earland’s classroom C338.