November 15th 2017

Nov 15 2017

The Senior Field Hockey team play their first Provincial game, today in Richmond. Good luck girls. Highlander Pride!

Basketball tryouts this week are as follows:

  • Grade 9/10 Girls  – Thursday at 3:00
  • Grade 8 Girls – Friday at 3:00
  • 9/10 Boys – please check bulletin board for tryout time

There will be an Improv club meeting this Friday after school in the drama room. Be there or be square!

Come to “Alpha Club” at lunch on Friday is Mrs. Metcalfe’s room (W154). There will be delicious snacks and it’s a great way to make new friends and have a good time! See you Friday!

All grades, all levels – if you’re interested in Wrestling this season, there is a meeting tonight at 5:00 pm at the Sentinel field house. Any questions, please ask Ms.Mckee.

There will be a cross-country team photo today right after school in the old gym.

Mr. Dignum’s block 1-3 PE class is skating this morning at 10:15 at the West Vancouver Arena. Walk down.

Big day for the Grade 8 girls Volleyball team. They are hosting the Vancouver and District Volleyball Championships here today. Our girls play their first game at 3:00 pm in the old gym. Come out and support your team. Good luck girls!

For any grade 11 and 12 students: SFU is visiting today at lunch in the CRC.