November 1st 2017

Nov 01 2017

Attention Grade 12 students – Grad transition classes are going this week and next. Check the schedule.

Theatre Company: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory callbacks will be Wednesday at lunch in the drama room. Please check the callback list today and don’t miss it!

Reminder to pick up your school photos at the office, we have now received re-take photos and Go cards. Please come to the office to pick them up at recess, lunch or after school.

University of Calgary is siting today at 2:50 in the CRC.

Senior Girls Volleyball team’s last home game of the season at 7:30 pm tomorrow night. Come out and support your Highlander`s team Thursday, November 2 2017 at our gym vs Handsworth…#1 in the province!

Reminder that there is a chick chat meeting at lunch today in Mr. Suderman’s room.

Guitar club meeting at lunch in Room 55!

Any students who are volunteering at the cross country meet on Saturday should see Mrs. Buchanan in room W241 at the beginning of lunch today.

Attention Basketball players:

  • Sign up sheets for the basketball tryouts are posted on the bulletin board between the gyms
  • Grade 9-10, senior boys and girls please sign up – tryouts begin next week