October 25th 2017

Oct 25 2017

Theatre Co: Todays auditions will start half an hour early, with the first group at 3:00 pm.

Join the school this Friday at lunch for a Teacher Vs Students Volleyball game. $1 at the door. Students wanting to play, please see Mrs. Earland.

Senior Girls Field Hockey – the banner game vs Handsworth is next Monday. Word on the street is that Handsworth has a lot of supporters attending.Show your Highlander pride – see you at the game!

Reminder to pick up your school photos at the office. Re-takes will arrive in about a week.

All cross country runners should meet the cars behind the school by 12:25 pm today.

Come and support the Senior Boys Soccer team on Thursday at 3:30 pm at Ambleside fields. Last game of the regular season vs Howe Sound. See you there!

Mr. Dignum`s block 2-4 class is swimming today at the rec center.

Four volunteers are needed next Tuesday morning from 7:45 am – 10:30 am to help with set up and take down for the MADD presentation at our school.

Attention Grade 12 students – Grad transition classes are going this week and next. Check the schedule.

ASL club meeting at lunch next to the office today.

Their will be a guitar club meeting at lunch in room 55. See you there!

There`s an Amnesty International meeting today at lunch in W352, please come if you`d like to get involved in our first campaign.