Apr 10 2019

Apr 10th 2019

Calling all models, hair stylists & make-up artists! WVSS is having a fashion show on May 16th and we need volunteers to model garments, and do hair and makeup. Signup sheets are in the textiles room C232. Go to Mrs. Gruber or Mrs. Peterson for more information.

Grade 12 students who are NOT currently taking English 12 or Communications 12 at WVSS. Please pick up a memo in the office TODAY. See Ms. Tanfara with any questions.

Hey West Van! There’s a new club starting this term: the Humanitarian Club. If you’ve actively been on the search for volunteer opportunities that directly help the less fortunate, and are look for leadership roles, the WVSS Humanitarian Club is here to help YOU. Meet us every second Thursday at lunch in Mr. Campagnolo’s room, W252, staring this week, the 11th of April. Hope to see you then.

Grade 12’s: this is your last opportunity to have your GRAD PHOTOS taken! – The final date is Thursday April 11th in North Vancouver, from 3:30pm-8:30pm. You must book online @ Please see the counselling office with your questions.

Apr 09 2019

Apr 9th 2019

The French Club is meeting in room E301 at lunch today. They will be playing fun group games with candy prizes! They will also be sharing information about an exciting French Leadership opportunity.

To all members of the West Van PIT crew: please meet Mr. McLeod at lunch today in room W252 for an important meeting.

Hey West Van! There's a new club starting this term: the Humanitarian Club. If you've actively been on the search for volunteer opportunities that directly help the less fortunate, and are look for leadership roles, the WVSS Humanitarian Club is here to help YOU. Meet us every second Thursday at lunch in Mr. Campagnolo's room, W252, staring this week, the 11th of April. Hope to see you then.

Congrats to the Highlander Hockey Team for their shoot-out victory in the home opener against STA. Mattias Metzner & Ben Croasdale found back of the new in the shoot-out while Goal-tender Jackson Glassford stopped all shooters. A Great Team Effort!

Open Gym Volleyball is today at 3:15pm in the NEW gym. Remember Volleyball open gyms do NOT take presidence over Spring team practices or games!

Grade 12’s: this is your last opportunity to have your GRAD PHOTOS taken! – The final date is Thursday April 11th in North Vancouver, from 3:30pm-8:30pm. You must book online @ Please see the counselling office with your questions.


Attention Basketball Players – your uniforms need to be handed in!
Grade 8 girls hand them to Ms. Taylor or Mr. Harvey.
All other players can hand them in to Mr. Ros.

Apr 08 2019

Apr 8th 2019

Grade 12's: this is your last opportunity to have your GRAD PHOTOS taken! - The final date is Thursday April 11th in North Vancouver, from 3:30pm-8:30pm. You must book online @ Please see the counselling office with your questions.

Mr. Ros's Grade 10 Boys PE block 1-2 - We are at the West Van Youth Clinic tomorrow morning. Meet in the stands as usual and we will walk down tot he Rec centre together.

AHOY SAILORS! It's a great day to get on the water. We're looking at 5 to 7 knot winds and partly sunny conditions. For those interested in sailing, it's not too late to sign up. Pick up your forms in W252. See you on the water!

Come out and support your highlanders this afternoon, as the Junior Boys Rugby team takes on Rockridge in their home opener. Kickoff is at 4pm on the north campus field.

Attention Basketball Players - your uniforms need to be handed in!
Grade 8 girls hand them to Ms. Taylor or Mr. Harvey.
All other players can hand them in to Mr. Ros.

Grade 10 and Grade 11 boys basketball players - you are meeting in the PE classroom today at 1pm. Please bring your uniforms.


Apr 05 2019

Apr 5th 2019

The Lunchbox is our school's GSA (gender and sexuality alliance. The Lunchbox is a drop-in that happens in the dance studio every Friday at lunch. No labels, no judgement, no commitment. Come check it out today.

Improv club meets today after school. Anyone interested in trying it out is welcome to come and join us in the drama room today after school.

A reminder to our Dominican Republic trip students that we will be sharing our pictures and having pizza at lunch today in the computer lab, room C231

Attention Grads - The photos from your Prom are in the counselling office.

Sailing Club will be having a meeting today at lunch in W252. Please bring your form. Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary.

Congratulations to the WVSS Golf team for winning their first match of the season against Carson Graham.

Calling all models, hair stylists and makeup artists! WVSS will be having a Fashion Show on May 16th and we need volunteers to model garments and do hair and makeup. Sign up sheets are in the Textiles room C232. For more information, talk to Mrs. Gruber or Mrs. Peterson.

Come & sign up for the RBC Run for the Kids. Sunday June 2, 2019. Please see your PHE teacher for more details.

Just a reminder to grade 12’s applying for District Scholarships the deadline to apply is TODAY @ 3pm. Please drop off your applications.v

Apr 04 2019

April 4th 2019

Congratulations to both the Junior and Senior Badminton teams on their season opening wins last night against Mulgrave, The Senior team won all of their 11 games! Go Highlanders.

Congratulations to the Junior Boys Rugby team for their first win of the season on Tuesday in their season opener. The team battled hard to defeat Carson Graham in a close game, with a final score of 22-15.

The Ultimate practice has been changed to Today after school. Any interested students are welcome to attend. Please wear cleats if possible and meet on the South Campus field at 3:00pm on Thursday.

Come & sign up for the RBC Run for the Kids. Sunday June 2, 2019. Please see your PHE teacher for more details.

Attention senior drama students: don’t forget about Today's audition workshop in the drama room from 11:20-1:20. Bring your lunch, your sides and a pencil.

Just a reminder to grade 12’s applying for District Scholarships the deadline to apply is tomorrow, April 5th @ 3pm. Please drop off your applications.