Apr 18 2019

Apr 18th 2019

The Library will be closed after school today.

A Huge Congratulations to the Snr. Girls Soccer team for their exciting win over Handsworth yesterday. The girls dominated the first half and scored to make it 1-0 into half time. Handsworth battled hard in the 2nd half and tied it up. The shootout went 9 rounds before the girls scored the winning goal! A great team victory. Next up Carson next Wednesday! Go Highlanders.

Congrats to the Jr and Sr Girls Rugby 7's. Both have qualified for the Provincial Championships. The Sr's won all their games to claim the Vancouver and District 7's Rugby Championships! Well done ladies. Next week they are off to the Provincial Tournament.

Best Buddies will be hosting the "Hooping It In" contest on Wed Apr 24th @ lunch int he old gym. Let's see how many free throws you can make in 1 minute. Entry is free and there will be prizes for the winners.

The WVSS Student Journal has arrived. If you have pre-ordered or wish to buy your copy for $10, please drop by @lunch or after school in room W247

There is a mandatory lunch meeting today for all IB Science Students to prepare for group 4 in room C332

Grade 12 District Scholarship Applicants - your presentation information is on a yellow sheet of paper int he Careers Programs Office. Please pick it up today.

Attention Grade 12s - Grad Trans duotangs are now DUE!! Please hand in completed work his week.
ALSO - exit presentations are coming up next week. Check in counselling if you forget your assigned class.

Hey West Van! Are you looking to get some service hours?! The West Van School Store is hiring for Term 2! Join our awesome team. Sign up sheets are in the office right now.

Apr 16 2019

Apr 16th 2019

Hey West Van! Are you looking to get some service hours?! The West Van School Store is hiring for Term 2! Join our awesome team. Sign up sheets are in the office right now.

Come to E301 at lunch for French games and snacks with the French Club.

Could the following students see Mr. Toth in the music room at recess:
Nabat Adigozal
Ben Andrusco-Daon
Athena Bennett

Congratulations to the Girls Rugby Team for their win over Burnaby North yesterday. Try's scored by Georgia, Yas, Elizabath, Jessica and Casey. Great game girls!
Both the jnr and snr team play Wednesday for births in the Provincial Championships at Fenn Bernette Park in North Van. Good Luck Girls!

Apr 15 2019

Apr 15th 2019

Last Friday the girls rugby team played an inspired game! They built up a nice 12 to 5 lead at half time. McRoberts came back strong in the second half and the final score was 17 to 24 not in our favour. Great Game Girls!
Today we play Burnaby North.

To all PIT crew going to Hollyburn today, please meet Mr. McLeod in the main office (north campus) at the START of nutrition break.


Apr 12 2019

Apr 12th 2019

The WVSS Golf team continued their winning streak with a victory against Sentinel yesterday. Gongrats Golf Team!

Girls Rugby - there will be a girls rugby game after school today. All spectators are welcome! Come out & cheer on your school. Go Highlanders!

To all members of PIT crew coming to Hollyburn on Monday, there will be a brief meeting after school today to go over the details. Please meet Mr. McLeod at 3pm int he main office.

The Lunchbox is our school's GSA (gender and sexuality alliance). The Lunchbox is a drop in that happens in the dance studio every Friday at lunch. No labels, no commitment. Come check it out today.

Improv club meets today after school. Anyone interested in trying it out is welcome to come and join us in the Drama Room today after school.

The Ray of Sunshine Foundation is hosting a bake sale at the West Vancouver United Church this Sunday from 2-4pm. All proceeds will be donated to the BC Children’s Foundation to support families with sick children. Make sure to stop by and grab a treat!

Calling all models, hair stylists & make-up artists! WVSS is having a fashion show on May 16th and we need volunteers to model garments, and do hair and makeup. Signup sheets are in the textiles room C232. Go to Mrs. Gruber or Mrs. Peterson for more information.

Grade 12 students who are NOT currently taking English 12 or Communications 12 at WVSS. Please pick up a memo in the office TODAY. See Ms. Tanfara with any questions.

Apr 11 2019

Apr 11th 2019

The Senior Girls Soccer team had 2 big wins this week. A 'come from behind' 3-2 win against Carson Graham and a 4-1 dominance over Sentinel.
Want to support the team and get service hours? Come to the counselling office if you able to do the line flag.

The Ray of Sunshine Foundation is hosting a bake sale at the West Vancouver United Church this Sunday from 2-4pm. All proceeds will be donated to the BC Children's Foundation to support families with sick children. Make sure to stop by and grab a treat!

The Classical Rock Band concert is tonight @ the Kay meek Studio Theatre at 7pm. Admission is by donation and tickets are at the door.

Calling all models, hair stylists & make-up artists! WVSS is having a fashion show on May 16th and we need volunteers to model garments, and do hair and makeup. Signup sheets are in the textiles room C232. Go to Mrs. Gruber or Mrs. Peterson for more information.

Grade 12 students who are NOT currently taking English 12 or Communications 12 at WVSS. Please pick up a memo in the office TODAY. See Ms. Tanfara with any questions.

Hey West Van! There’s a new club starting this term: the Humanitarian Club. If you’ve actively been on the search for volunteer opportunities that directly help the less fortunate, and are look for leadership roles, the WVSS Humanitarian Club is here to help YOU. Meet us every second Thursday at lunch in Mr. Campagnolo’s room, W252, staring this week, the 11th of April. Hope to see you then.

Grade 12’s: this is your last opportunity to have your GRAD PHOTOS taken! – The final date is Thursday April 11th in North Vancouver, from 3:30pm-8:30pm. You must book online @ Please see the counselling office with your questions.