Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sep 25 2019

The Sr. Girls Volleyball team is looking for Highlander support on Thursday night at 4:30 pm for their 2 back to back 1st League Games – come on out!

Attention all academy students who will be catching the bus today. You must go immediately from your third period class to the bus at the front of the school. You don’t get out of class until 1:05 today and the bus will be leaving at 1:12 so please go straight there.

The Student Council Applications for 2019-20 link can be found in the office. Interested in representing your grade and fellow students? Apply now! Looking for representations from grades 8 to 12. Talk to Mrs. Cormier or Ms. McKee if you have any questions.

Thursday October 3 is the 1st Annual Terry Fox Run at WVSS. Bring a toonie for Terry to run or walk for a great cause.

The practice S.A.T. Exam is being offered at our school on Wednesday October 16 at 8:30 am. The cost is $20 and there are only 15 spots available. Please register in the main office with Mrs. Madill.