Tuesday, September 18, 2019

Sep 18 2019

The practice S.A.T. Exam is being offered at our school on Wednesday, October 16 at 8:30 am. The cost is $20 and there are only 15 spots available. Please register in the main office with Mrs. Madill.

Sr. FIT PHE reminder: please hand in your tandem biking permission form to Ms. Finch if you haven’t already.  We are leaving at 1:00 pm sharp Thursday!

PHE10 FIT reminder: We are leaving at 1:00 pm today for Dragon Boating – be there or be square.

This is a reminder to all students driving to school by car – parking is only allowed in the lower gravel field and you must have a current parking decal on your car. These can be purchased from the office for $25.00

Ms. Gruber’s Composition 11 Class is no longer in South Campus. The class is now in room W252 in North Campus.

Interested in making a change? Make your Community greener. Join Streamkeepers and you can! Come to Ms. Earland’s room C338 Thursday at lunch.