Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Dec 03 2019

Chamber Choir class is cancelled today, rescheduled to 7:30 am Friday. Any student in Orchestra should attend Orchestra class.

To Mentorship students, term 1 interviews continue this week at lunch and after school. Ensure that you are aware of your interview time.

Ms. Seo’s Advisory, please come pick up a Christmas Shoe Box from Ms. Seo’s Food Room for Harvest Project Food Bank.

Congratulations to the grade 9 boys in winning against Sentinel last night. Through hardwork, rebounding and defence they won 55 to 47 against Sentinel. Good luck on Wednesday Boys!

Hey Highlanders! Just a reminder that the Youth Mind Mental Health Awareness Club is meeting today during lunch for a Mindfulness session in Mr. Campagnolo’s room. See you guys there!

HIGH FIVE FRIDAY PAC FUNDRAISER: Tickets will be sold on Friday Dec 6 & 13 in both cafeterias between 1-1:40pm. Students who donate $5 receive a ballot to enter in a draw to win a brand new IPAD with WIFI and 120 G. Multiple entries allowed. Winner will be drawn on Monday, Dec 16th  in the morning announcement. Prize includes a Brand New IPad with 120G and WIFI (valued at $549). The proceeds of this contest will help with the upgrade of the Computer Lab.

Attention Curling Team: Our first practice is this Wednesday, December 4 at 3:30 at the Hollyburn Country Club Curling Rink. Please be sure to register at WVSS Athletics beforehand. See you there!

To all those travelling to the Dominican Republic for WV’s service trip, we are having a mandatory meeting during FIT today in room C231 to finalize travel plans and documentation.