Sept 20th 2018

Sep 20 2018

Reminder: Grade 11 & 12’s: UBC is visiting today @12:50pm in the Library

If you are planning to attend an American University, our school is offering the practice SAT exam on Wednesday Oct 10th. Please register in the main office with Ms. Madill. Cost is $20

Good luck to the Senior Girls Volleyball team up in Kamloops! Make sure to cheer them on next Thursday in their home opener against Elphinstone @5pm. Good Luck Highlanders & Battle Hard!

There is a swim practice tomorrow (Friday) at 7am at the Rec Centre.

Reminder to the Volunteers for tonight’s Meet the Teacher Night to be in the office by 5pm! See you at 5pm for Pizza!

Reminder to students who want to learn about the Game of Apps Program. There will be a meeting Sept 26th @7pm in the Library.

Are you looking to gain some great experience and get service hours!? The South Campus School Store is hiring for term 1. Sign up sheets are in Ms. Forsyth’s office in the south campus.

There is a Multi-cultural club meeting today at Lunch in Ms. Vu’s room (c336). Come by!

There is a meeting for all students in the Pursuit Program TODAY during the nutrition Break in C236.