Nov 30th 2018

Nov 30 2018

Advisory Bake & Hot Chocolate Sale on Wednesday Dec 5th in front of the cafeteria. Bring your own mug to reduce waste! All proceeds will fund the Christmas Hamper.

Ms. Finch’s PE 10, block 1-1, class is meeting at 11:15am to walk to the Rec Centre today for a fitness class!

The Lunchbox is our school’s GSA (gender and sexuality alliance). The Lunchbox is a drop-in that happens in the dance studio every Friday at lunch. No labels, no judgement, no commitment. Come check it out today.

Ms. Colhoun’s advisory is hosting a Consignment Sale of clothes in classroom W346 @ lunch today.

Improv club meets today after school. Anyone interested in trying it out is welcome to come and join us in the drama room today after school.

Grads: If you still need to book your individual grad portrait, there is now a NEW date available for online booking: Dec 4th. Book soon!