Monday, October 28, 2019

Oct 28 2019

Have some left over clothes? Why don’t you donate to the Salvation Army. The Volunteer Club will be collecting donations until October 29, bins are in the main office.

Attention Grade 8s, did you know that watching a horror movie at the school can help build a house in the Dominican? Well you CAN. All you have to do is donate $10 to the Dominican Service Trip and then show up tomorrow night. To donate, visit the table at the entrance of South Campus today or tomorrow at lunch.

To all Sr. Mentorship students, a reminder of the safeTALK workshop starting at 1:30 today in room 56. Please be on time.

To all participants of the service trip to the Dominican, we are meeting today during FIT in the computer lab.

Come to the Cedar room at South campus today at lunch for free Halloween Candy and movie with the Indigenous explorations club – everyone is welcome!

There will be a meeting Tuesday Oct 29 at lunch in Mr. Muselius’s room for all grade 10,11 and 12 boys interested in playing rugby in Spring 2020. The meeting is mandatory.

Concordia University is coming after school today by the cafeteria.

Great job Jr. Girls Volleyball team for the hardwork and accomplishments this weekend!

Good luck to our Grade 8 Girls Volleyball team in their first game of playoffs tonight at 4 pm. They finished their regular season in second place and will be hosting STA. Go Highlanders!