May 21st 2019

May 21 2019

Attention Grade 8 football players – there is an important meeting today at lunch in Mr. Keary`s room. Reminder this is very important.

All Volleyball players grade 8 to 12 – there is a meeting at lunch today in the New Gym regarding the elementary school camp and open gyms! All Volleyball players hoping to play next year should attend.

Attention Grads – If you have not picked up your Banquet Tickets yes please come to the counselling office AS SOON AS POSSIBLE

Congratulations to all Textiles and Fashion Industry students involved in last week`s Elevate`Fashion Show! The show was spectacular!

Attention grade 11 students – Friday is the last day to hand in grad committee nomination forms. Voting will take place next week.

There will be a Best Buddies general member meeting this Thursday t lunch in W243. New members are always welcome! Grab a treat and learn about how you can participate in the last event of the year, coming up in June!

The French Club will be meeting in Room 301 today, as usual. They will be watching Chef`s Table.