Feb 14th 2019

Feb 14 2019

Congratulations to our Jazz Band for winning GOLD at the Kiwanis Jazz Festival yesterday. The band wowed the judges with a variety of swing, rock and funk music. The judges were highly impressed by the quality of soloists and the “great maturity” in the styles played by the rhythm section. Well done Jazz Band!

Timbits!! Get your timbits and donuts at the cafeteria today to help the Helping Hands Fundraiser.

Reminder for all District Honour Choir members of your workshops today after school with Dr. Con. Treble Choir starts at 3:30pm. Mixed Choir starts at 5pm.

M.E.I will be here at lunch today in front of the cafeteria to talk about opportunities to travel abroad to places like Spain, Australia and Costa Rica while taking School Courses.

Tickets for 10 Things I Hate About You go on sale next week in front of the Caf at lunch. $12 cash or cheque. Seating is limited, so buy your tickets early!

The French Club’s Sugar Shack has been moved to next Tuesday, Feb 19th. Bring your toonies to Mr. Thiel!

Grade 11 & 12 students: the University of New Brunswick will be visiting after school by the cafeteria. 

And now… Your Highlander Report (crafted by Mr. Ros).

Top billing goes to our Grade 8 girls basketball team as this plucky squad dropped a hammer on a bewildered Moscrop squad from Burnaby yesterday. It was a whole team effort in the 42-36 win! Our your Highlanders have now advanced to Vancouver District Semi-Final action in Richmond tonight. Good Luck Girls!

Next up… Another potential team of the year as our Junior Girls Basketball squad starts play at the Lower Mainland Tournament today @ 4:30pm. The game is at Argyle – Good luck to our Junior Highlanders!

Finally, Kudos to the Senior Boys Basketball team who opened the Howe Sound 4A playoffs with a big 78-52 win over Carson Graham last night. The Eagles threw the kitchen sink at your Highlanders but the boys showed great resolve and battled away.. Fine performances by all… especially “smiling” James Core and “Baby Face” Callum Dye. Next up the Handsworth Royals – Tuesday @7:30 at Handsworth. Bring your Plaid Power Boys!