Apr 9th 2019

Apr 09 2019

The French Club is meeting in room E301 at lunch today. They will be playing fun group games with candy prizes! They will also be sharing information about an exciting French Leadership opportunity.

To all members of the West Van PIT crew: please meet Mr. McLeod at lunch today in room W252 for an important meeting.

Hey West Van! There’s a new club starting this term: the Humanitarian Club. If you’ve actively been on the search for volunteer opportunities that directly help the less fortunate, and are look for leadership roles, the WVSS Humanitarian Club is here to help YOU. Meet us every second Thursday at lunch in Mr. Campagnolo’s room, W252, staring this week, the 11th of April. Hope to see you then.

Congrats to the Highlander Hockey Team for their shoot-out victory in the home opener against STA. Mattias Metzner & Ben Croasdale found back of the new in the shoot-out while Goal-tender Jackson Glassford stopped all shooters. A Great Team Effort!

Open Gym Volleyball is today at 3:15pm in the NEW gym. Remember Volleyball open gyms do NOT take presidence over Spring team practices or games!

Grade 12’s: this is your last opportunity to have your GRAD PHOTOS taken! – The final date is Thursday April 11th in North Vancouver, from 3:30pm-8:30pm. You must book online @ mountainwest.ca Please see the counselling office with your questions.


Attention Basketball Players – your uniforms need to be handed in!
Grade 8 girls hand them to Ms. Taylor or Mr. Harvey.
All other players can hand them in to Mr. Ros.