Nov 9th 2018

Nov 09 2018

Spanish Club is meeting today @ Lunch in W154

Attention Grade 11 & 12 students: the University of Windsor is visiting today at lunch time by the Cafeteria.

Attention Basketball Players – Tryouts are as follows:
Junior Girls @ 3pm today
Senior Girls @ 3pm today
Junior Boys @ 5pm today
Grade 9 Boys @ 6pm today
Senior Boys @ 10am Monday
Grade 8 Boys @ 3pm Tuesday
Grade 8 Girls @ 3pm Wednesday and Friday

There is a mandatory meeting at lunch today for all grade 10 and 11 Rugby Players, in Mr. M’s room W146

Today we have a Multicultural Club meeting today in C336. Come and bring your friends.

There is a Gingerbread House Meeting today after school at 3pm in the North campus Foods Lab with Miss Seo.

This is a reminder for the WVSS Gymnastics Team … Please complete your registration on the Highlander Athletics page of the school website by Monday Nov 12th. Thanks and have a great day!

The Lunchbox if our school’s GSA (Gay and Sexuality Alliance). It is a drop-in that happens in the dance studio every Friday at lunch. No labels, no judgement, no commitment. Come check it out today.

Improv club meets today after school. Anyone interested in trying it out is welcome to come and join us in the drama room today after school.