Nov 5th 2018

Nov 05 2018

Attention Cadets! All Cadets that are helping with the Remembrance Day Assemblies, please meet Mr Anderson tomorrow, at lunch in the main office.

This is for the attention of the textiles 9 students who are attending today’s field trip: You are meeting in front of the office at 11:15am. Please be on time!

Attention grade 8 and 9 students in mA+h Academy. There will be a meeting today after school as usual down at Mr. Keary’s room. Make sure to be there for extra help.

Are you thinking about a career in Law Enforcement, Corrections, Forensics, Probation’s or Criminal Justice? An SFU student will be in the Career Programs Office at lunch on Wednesday Nov 7th to talk about the Criminology Program at SFU. Special Snacks will be Provided!

Attention Basketball Players. Tryouts begin this week. Be attentive to announcements and check the bulletin board between the gyms for your times.

Senior Boys Basketball tryout, Tuesday Night @ 7pm.

Congrats to all cross country runners who raced at the BC Championships on Saturday. Our top performer was Alexander Farlinger who finished 3rd in the province in the Senior Boys Race. Pizza Party will be on Tuesday.

Attentions Grade 11 and 12 students. Queens University is visiting after school in room C233.

Grade 8 girls interested in playing basketball. There is a meeting today at Lunch in south 55.