Your PAC Dollars at Work

We have been very fortunate at West Bay to have parents and educators who are keenly interested in providing the best possible learning environment for our kids. Through various fundraising initiatives we have been able to provide a wealth of student opportunity.

Through fund-raising efforts the West Bay PAC has been able to finance programs that are varied and valuable ranging from:

Equipment and Supplies: Classroom supplies; emergency and first aid supplies; Phys Ed equipment for the gym as well as playground equipment.

Guest Speakers for parents AND students, including topics such as online safety, sexual health,  Artist-in-Residence programs like writers, musicians and artists.

Social Events:  Bingo Nights; Family Dances; Family BBQ;  Grade 7 Grad; Cultural events  such asLunar New Year and Nowruz; Sports Day and Decorations Day support

The majority of our finances are directed at supplemental and enhanced learning: Creativity and Innovation, School-wide cultural presentations,  Fine Arts; Math contests, Musical instruments and resources; Self Regulation tools, Supplemental PE programs (curling, table tennis, fencing, sportball, etc.); technology for classrooms; online resources (home reading and math programs).

On top of all that, collectively, over the last few years, we have helped provide iPads and computers for classroom use; built a playground; a new kitchen for staff and students; installed state of the art water fountains; transformed our library into a beautiful Learning Commons and created an outdoor learning space. We have provided books, and technology like drop-down screens. We support outreach programs, and give an annual scholarship to a former West Bay student graduating from Rockridge or West Vancouver Secondary School that exemplifies  IB learner traits.

Sounds pretty amazing doesn’t it? We could not have put forward such an impressive list without your generous support.

We are so lucky to be able to provide opportunities for enriched education directly to our kids. All of us, as members of the PAC have a voice in how our funds are spent and how this can impact our children’s education. It is very empowering. It takes a village to raise our kids, and West Bay has a pretty fantastic village! It is not easy and this requires a lot from our parents in the form of both volunteer time and money. It brings us together, it shows our kids how important they are, and models the purpose of working as one for a common goal.

West Bay runs several different fundraisers through out the year such as the bi-annual Gala, Fun Run, Hot lunch and the Poinsettias and Purdy’s sale at Christmas.

If you wish to make a tax refundable donation please go to

To inquire about sponsorships, please contact West Bay PAC

Thank you for your continued support.

West Bay’s Hot Lunch Program

West Bay’s Hot Lunch Program provides students with fresh, healthy meals, three times a week. The Hot Lunch Program is completely run by parent volunteers, and it is a key fundraiser for our school. Volunteering takes about 45 mins, one to two times a month. If you wish to volunteer please contact

Zero Waste Lunches!

West Bay has become a “garbage free” school with a great re-cycling program. We encourage lunches to be sent in reusable packaging as all lunch garbage will be sent back home in the kids lunch kit.

Spirit Wear

Show your school spirit and wear your Wolf Wear. T-shirts, hoodies, pants and hats are available for purchase in kids and adult sizes.

The online shop is open twice a year in September and January. The sale dates are announced in the E-bulletin. If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to contact


The West Bay PAC runs several smaller fundraisers throughout the year.

Fall Apple fundraiser– Order your fresh picked Okanagan apples delivered right to West Bay. Holiday Fundraisers– Order your Purdy’s chocolates, Poinsettias and  Holiday greenery
Art Carts- Order cards and note books made out of your child’s own artwork

West Bay Gala

Every other year, the PAC asks the staff and teachers to put together a list of items that the school would like to purchase through your generous Gala fundraising efforts. In addition to Wish List items, the Gala also generates funds for the PAC’s yearly operational expenses. These items help to enrich the learning for our students and allow us to continue to provide an exceptional learning environment for our school. We are very appreciative for the support our parents provide and know that when we work together amazing things can happen.

Parents can support Gala fundraising in several ways…

Fundraising Goals – You may wish to contribute towards a wish list item through Schools Cash Online (SCO). Cash donations through SCO will receive a tax-deductible receipt for a minimum $25 donation.

Event Sponsorship: This includes sponsoring beverages, food, desserts, decor, photography, entertainment, printing, and other costs toward the gala event. Sponsors will be recognized in gala promotional materials online and on the evening of the gala but are not eligible for a tax-deductible receipt.

Auction Item Donation: Donate an Item a product or a service or an experience. Donated auction items or for successfully bid on auction items are not eligible for a tax- deductible receipt 

Attend the event and bid on an auction item.

Fun Run

Every other year, the students at West Bay participate in a fun run. They collect donations from friends and family for every lap run around the school field that go towards the PAC.

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Admissions for the 24/25 school year are openClick here for eligibility and timelines