Frequently Asked Questions
How will IB Benefit my child?
IB learners strive to become inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, openminded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective. These attributes represent a broad range of human capacities and responsibilities that go beyond intellectual development and academic success. This is the IB’s educational philosophy.
What grades attend West Bay School? How many enrolling classrooms?
Kindergarten to Grade. We have 16 divisions (2 classes per grade)
How many students in your school?
Around 400
What high school does West Bay feed into?
Rockridge Secondary School. Rockridge is an authorized International Baccalaureate World School for the Middle Years Programme. All students in Grades 8-10 participate in the IB Middle Years Programme. Rockridge Secondary School offers a range of Advanced Placement (AP) courses for Grade 11 and 12 students to get a head start in post-secondary institutions.
West Bay students may also consider Sentinel Secondary or West Vancouver High school.
High school visits are available in early January for all grade 7 students.
My child keeps talking about ROCKS. What is ROCKS?
What is an IB Learner profile?
The IB Learner Profile refers to a set of attributes and qualities that the International Baccalaureate (IB) program aims to develop in students. These attributes are intended to foster the growth of internationally-minded individuals who are active, compassionate, and lifelong learners. The IB Learner Profile consists of ten attributes:
Inquirers: IB learners are curious and eager to learn, asking questions and actively engaging in the learning process.
Knowledgeable: They strive to acquire a broad range of knowledge across various disciplines and explore the interconnectedness of subjects.
Thinkers: IB learners apply critical thinking skills, analyze information, and consider different perspectives when approaching problems.
Communicators: They express ideas effectively in multiple languages and different modes of communication, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, and non-verbal communication.
Principled: IB learners act with integrity, honesty, and a strong sense of fairness. They take responsibility for their actions and their impact on others.
Open-minded: They embrace and respect different cultures, perspectives, and beliefs, valuing diversity and considering multiple viewpoints.
Caring: IB learners demonstrate empathy, compassion, and a commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others and the world around them.
Risk-takers: They are willing to take risks and face new challenges, showing resilience and perseverance in the face of obstacles.
Balanced: IB learners strive for a well-rounded lifestyle, promoting physical, intellectual, and emotional well-being.
Reflective: They critically evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and actively seek feedback to further their personal growth and development.
These attributes collectively shape the IB learner and guide their attitudes, behaviors, and actions within and beyond the classroom. The IB Learner Profile aims to develop students who are internationally-minded, caring, and prepared to contribute positively to a rapidly changing global society.
What specialized programs or services does your school provide?
Music, French (Kindergarten to grade 7), English Language Support, Learning Assistance Support, Behaviour Support Worker, Education Assistants, Language Support Worker, Language Support Teacher, School Counselor, Speech and Language Pathologist, School Psychologist, School Nurse, Liaison Police Officer
Where can kids play before and after school and at recess?
West Bay has three separate play areas with play structures.
- North of the primary wing- Climbing structure, swings, slide.
- West of the upper parking lot- Spider Web
- In front of the Preschool- small climbing structure
Students may also access the gravel field, hockey/basketball court, outdoor ping pong table, sand box. West Bay is also surrounded by forest.
- Kindergarten may stay only in the play area north of the primary wing
- Grade 1 to 3- May access the upper forest
- Grades 4 to 7- May access the lower forest south of the school
What kinds of leadership opportunities do students have?
Buddy Classes (grade 4-7) Lunch Monitors Traffic Safety Monitors (grade 5) Morning Messages (grade 7) Office support (grade 6-7)
What extra-curricular activities do students have?
Cross Country Running (fall) (for Grades 4-7) Basketball (fall) (for Grade 7s) Volleyball (winter) (for Grades 6-7) Track and Field (spring) (for Grades 4-7) Ultimate (spring) (for grade 6-7) Band (for Grades 6-7)School Musical (spring) (primary and intermediate grades alternate yearly)
13, What does a typical day look like?
8:55 First bell -– Students line up outside
9:00 Second bell – School Starts- morning announcements, classes begin
10:30 -10:50 Recess
12:20-1:05 Lunch
3:00 End of school day
What ways can parents communicate with the school/staff?
- West Bay’s School Website
- Direct communication with staff via email, telephone, staff-parent meetings
- Contact West Bay’s PAC – westbaypac@gmail.com
How will the school communicate with me?
- West Bay Weekly-ebulletin “The Wolf’ sent out Thursday afternoons
- Teachers will send information via email to their classes
- Class Representatives will send emails or WhatsApp messages to their classes
- PAC E- News letters are sent out at least twice a month
- PAC WhatsApp- sign up to get school reminders
If you are not receiving any of the above communications please ensure that the school has your correct contact information.
How do I know how my child is progressing at school?
Report cards are issued through an online platform called My Ed BC three times annually (December, March and June). The teachers also inform parents of the progress achieved by their child through emails, telephone calls, visits and conferences (student-led / teacher-parent / 3-way).
Who do I contact if my child is sick, late or missing school due to holidays?
In the interest of the child’s progress at school, it is important to maintain regular attendance and to avoid arriving late. However, when absence or late arrival is necessary we ask you to note the following procedures:
Absences – Please leave a message on the school’s phone at 604) 981-1260 before 9:00 am If your child will be absent that day or arriving late. You may also send an email to both Sue Barrie (sbarrie@wvschools.ca) and your child’s teacher to inform them of any absences. Please include your name, your child’s name and your child’s grade and teacher’s name in your message. Callback is in place for both the morning and the afternoon attendance. If your child does not arrive on time for school, and we are not aware of a planned absence, a staff member at the school will attempt to contact you, or any of your approved emergency contact numbers.
Late Arrivals – children who arrive late for school must check in at the office before proceeding to class.
Leaving Early-A parent or guardian must sign the student out in the office.
Am I allowed to send nuts to school?
Many children in our school suffer from a variety of food allergies that need to be taken seriously as they can be death threatening to the child. Please follow any restrictions that are given for those classes that have students with severe allergies. Your teacher will inform you in Early September of any allergies in your child’s class
Does West Bay have a Hot Lunch Program?
West Bay’s hot lunch program is run by a group of parent volunteers that provide a healthy choice of meals on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the year. There are two terms per year and sign up begins just before each term. You can sign your child up by going to https://munchalunch.com
Why isn’t hot lunch offered 5 days a week?
Hot lunch is run by a team of volunteers and currently there just aren’t enough volunteers to cover 5 days a week.
My child forgot his/her lunch?
There is a pick up drop off area next to the office at the top of the main stairs. Students can collect their lunches here.
Where do I park?
Please respect the signs indicating “Staff Parking” and do not park or drop off students in this parking lot. There is a visitor parking lot located at the end of Westmount Pl. This parking lot is reserved for Kindergarten parents only during pick up and drop off.
Why isn’t the gravel field always open for parking?
The gravel field is open when we have special events at school requiring parents to attend. An email or WhatsApp message will be sent informing parents. The field is in high use by the students before, during and after school. To keep kids safe, no parking on the field is permitted. Cars also cause a lot of damage on the gravel field requiring regular costly maintenance.
I need to drop my kids off early will there be Supervision at School?
All students are encouraged to arrive at school shortly before the first bell in the morning. Parents should be aware that there is no supervision of students on the playground prior to the start of school or after 3:00pm. The library is open from 8:30 for any students that do arrive early.
In order to foster independence, parents are encouraged to say goodbye to students outside the school, and allow them to enter the school on their own.
Supervision Aides and Teacher Aides provide supervision of students during the recess and lunch breaks. Students need to be dressed for the weather as it is our expectation that all students will play outside, even in inclement weather.
I work is there before or after school care?
West Bay’s before and After school program is run by Saplings. Please click here for more information
Are there after school programs that my child can participate in?
West Bay offers a variety of before and after school programs that change throughout the year. The After School Programs Committee strives to offer a variety of sports, arts cultural and STEAM programs for students of all grades. For more information or to get involved please contact afterschoolwestbay@gmail.com
Valuables: Please leave your valuables at home. Valuable items can be damaged, lost, or stolen; please do not bring these items to school.
Can my child use the school telephone?
Students do not have general access to school phones unless there is an urgent need. Children require approval from a staff member prior to the use of a telephone
Cell Phones: Although students may use cell phones to communicate with parents regarding getting to school or home from school, they may not use cell phone during the school day or within the school. Students who do not abide by this rule or have cellular phone ringing during school time may lose the privilege of cellular telephone use. The school telephone is always available in emergency situations.
We bike to school, where can I leave my bike?
There is bike rack located at the front of the school.
It’s raining does my child have to play outside?
Students need the opportunity to go outside for fresh air and play during recess and lunchtime at school. Most days, students will be sent outside at recess and lunch. Students need to have appropriate clothing for the weather (coats, boots, umbrellas, etc.).
Will my child have homework?
Homework is teacher-assigned for the child to do at home. It is intended to provide time for: working on extended projects and reports catching up if a student has been absent reviewing material in preparation for a test additional practice on basic skills completion of assignments
Some Homework tips for parents:
- be supportive, encouraging and interested—help clarify but stop short of doing the work yourself
- provide a degree of regularity—a special place, well lit and ventilated
- encourage your child to seek the teacher’s help if “stuck”—if your child has difficulty with homework, talk it over with the teacher.
Please tell me more about the West Bay PAC.
Join a monthly PAC Meetings to learn more about the West Bay PAC and how you can get involved. Various Initiatives, Welcome Back BBQ, Fundraising, Parent Ed
How can I get involved as a parent?
- Volunteer via West Bay PAC
- Speak to your child’steacher for in-class support or during field trips
- Coach a team
- Help out in the library
- Volunteer for a cultural event