L’espoir de l’École Cedardale est de créer une communauté altruiste, inclusive, engageante et multilingue pour les apprenants tout au long de leur vie. Nous voulons inspirer le vrai savoir, la créativité et la curiosité afin qu’ils obtiennent l’esprit critique et qu’ils puissent réagir avec des actions positives dans leur propre milieu ainsi que globalement dans un environnement de respect mutuel. École Cedardale aspires to create a caring, inclusive and engaging collaborative community of multi-lingual lifelong learners. Through knowledge, creativity and inquiry we are inspired to think critically and take action both locally and globally in an environment of mutual respect. École Cedardale is an authorized IB World School offering the Primary Years Programme in a French Immersion format. These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that École Cedardale believes is important for our students. Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL) Each school is required to have a Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL) document which outlines specific goals and objectives to improve student success. Ecole Cedardale’s goal is to increase students’ sense of belonging. For more detailed information, please refer to the full FESL document below. Please reach out to Kristina Hayes at khayes@wvschools.ca if you have any questions or wish to learn more. Click on the button below to access our School News page where you can find our e-bulletins, publications, and other important files.Our Mission StatementÉcole CedardaleOur School
Framework for Enhancing Student Learning
School News & Publications