Irwin Park Elementary School Code of Conduct

The purpose of the Irwin Park Elementary School Code of Conduct and West Vancouver Schools District’s Code of Conduct is to establish and maintain a safe, caring and orderly environment for purposeful learning and to establish and maintain appropriate balances between individual and collective rights, freedoms, and responsibilities. The Code of Conduct also outlines expectations for student behaviour. Please note that special considerations may apply to specific students if they are unable to comply with a Code of Conduct expectation due to having an identified disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional, or behavioural nature.

Irwin Park Elementary School promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code, respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law and prohibiting any discrimination or mistreatment based on (but not limited to): appearance, Indigenous identity, race, skin colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, real or perceived or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and age – in respect of discriminatory publication and discrimination in accommodation, service and facility in the school environment.

All parent/caregivers, visitors and volunteers are required to report to the school office to sign in upon arrival.  Parents and caregivers are requested to make prior arrangements before entering learning spaces during the school day.  This includes outdoor learning spaces such as the playground (recess), the field and the courtyard.   Following these guidelines will help keep all of the children safe and protect the learning environment.

Acceptable Behaviour

Irwin Park Elementary is committed to providing a safe, caring and socially responsible school environment. At Irwin Park Elementary School we aim to:

  • Obey district, school and classroom rules
  • Respect public and personal property
  • Actively promote the general welfare of the school and community
  • Maintain respectful and courteous relations with fellow students, teachers, staff and others in general
  • Be honest and straightforward in interactions
  • Work at their studies without disturbing others
  • Attend school daily and promptly
  • Maintain appropriate standards of hygiene, dress and language
  • Refrain from violence or threats of violence
  • Take action if witnessing any hurtful behaviours towards others, intervene with appropriate use of words and/or seek adult assistance

It is expected that all members of the school community will conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates kindness, respect and responsibility. These expectations will apply to behaviour while at school or at any school-related or sponsored activity.

 Unacceptable Behaviour

Conduct by any student that adversely affects an individual’s humility, the safety of others or the learning environment shall be considered a breach of the Code of Conduct. This may include bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, intimidation, threatening or violent behaviours. The unacceptable behaviour may occur while at school, at a school-related activity, or in other circumstances wherein engaging in the activity will have an impact on the school environment. In addition, weapons and/or objects imitating weapons are prohibited.

Parents will be informed of all serious breaches of Irwin Park’s Code of Conduct.


All discipline and consequences will be intended to improve the overall school environment by promoting self-regulation, assisting in better choice-making and correcting inappropriate behaviours.  Consequences will be fair, appropriate, consistent and restorative in nature wherever possible. The age and history of the student and the dynamics of the situation or conflict will be considered in determining appropriate disciplinary action. Special considerations or advocacy may apply to students with special needs and/or learning differences if the student is unable to comply with a Code of Conduct due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature. In addition, special consideration and advocacy may apply for students and families of Indigenous ancestry to take an approach that is mindful of historical context and Indigenous ways of knowing and perspective. Students, as often as possible, will participate in the development of meaningful consequences for violations to the code. The school will take all reasonable steps to prevent retaliation by a person against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of a Code of Conduct.

Dress Code

Irwin Park Elementary School is committed to providing students with learning environments that are safe, responsive, and inclusive. Our dress code recognizes that decisions about dress reflect individual expression of identity, socio-cultural norms and that such decisions are personal. Students may attend school and school-related functions in dress of their choice provided that their choices:

  • Do not represent or promote alcohol or drugs
  • Use respectful language
  • Do not depict or promote violence, racism, sexism, or discrimination
  • Conform with established health and safety requirements for the intended activity
  • Are not intimidating to others

Students have the right to dress in a manner consistent with their gender identity or gender expression. This includes students who may dress in a manner that is not consistent with the societal expectations of masculinity/femininity. We support the acceptance and respect of all members of our community.

Personal Digital Devices

Personal Digital Devices are to be appropriately used during the school day including before school, after school and break times per the District Admin Procedure 370 and the student expectations outlined within this School Code of Conduct.

Personal digital devices are not to be used without the direct permission of the teacher and/or
administrator. If a personal digital device is required for instructional purposes, or to support a student’s medical and health or accessibility and accommodation needs, teachers/staff will provide clear guidelines and expectations around their use for these purposes and ensure that use is adequately supervised.

Considerations for personal digital device use will also be made to ensure equity to support learning outcomes for any student who may be disproportionately impacted by the lack of access.

Note – Personal Digital Devices means any personal electronic device that can be used to communicate or to access the internet, such as cell phones, phones, laptops, tablets, smartwatches, and any other portable technology device.

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