Fun Lunch
Fun Lunch
What is it?
It is an active optional fundraiser. Every week, students at École Cedardale dig into hot and cold lunches with enthusiasm and their parents get relief from packing lunches. Students get a kick out of having a special lunch while parents know they’ve helped raise funds to support a variety of initiatives at the school while providing a diversion for their children.
More than 66% of our student body participates in this popular and well-subscribed fundraising initiative.
Fun Lunch is offered by the École Cedardale Parents’ Advisory Council and is available to all students.
We offer Fun Lunch every Monday Tuesday and Wednesday with a bonus Persian day one Friday per month. Fun Lunch is supplied by The White Spot, Panago Pizza, Presto Cucina and Gilaneh.
Ordering occurs Sept and January. FULL Payment is due when order is placed. Please note, once orders have been submitted, we are unable to make any changes. Thank you for understanding.
Want to help with fun lunch order checking & distribution.? Let us know if you can spare sometime to help us distribute lunches Click on the button below.
Fun Lunch details
Please read weekly school bulletins for updates.
Fun Lunch will run three times weekly.
Paying by Credit Card? It’s ok, a Paypal account is not required! Please note that a Paypal account is not necessary to make a purchase. Simply click the “Don’t have a Paypal account?” link when you reach the Paypal website. You will then be able to pay by credit card without any problems. There is a VOLUNTEER section in the online system where you can simply check off which dates suit you best. The Fun Lunch Volunteer Coordinator, will contact you with a schedule and email reminders prior to your days. Wondering what you ordered months ago? You can login to munchalunch.com, go to MY ORDERS and reprint your order – worth posting on the fridge if you aren’t sure which lunch dates and menus you ordered. Please contact the Fun Lunch Coordinator Lyndsay with your questions at cedardalehotlunch@gmail.com