Learning Commons
About the Learning Commons
Reading the WORLD, together.
Our Learning Commons Staff: Mrs. Smith and Ms. Gatto
Our Mission Statement: To promote Literacy and life-long learning in all members of the Caulfeild Community through engagement with traditional and new media.
Our Core Values:
✔︎ Reading is fun!
✔︎ Reading is important.
✔︎ Reading is more than sounding out words and more than what can be contained in books.
Useful Links
The iDEC Virtual Learning Commons
Our WV District Digital Resources
To access the Encyclopedias and Databases linked below from home, please use the user name and password provided by Mrs. Smith. If you do not have that information you can email Mrs. Smith at asmith@wvschools.ca for the user name and password.
Caulfeild Catalog : Access to the whole library collection, online!
Other Libraries: