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iDEC stands for Inquiry based Digitally Enhanced Community. This is the underlying foundation of learning at our school.

The embedding of the British Columbia Curriculum in our classrooms occurs through the following guiding principles:

  1. We value learning that is both inquiry-based and design thinking in nature.
  2. We purposefully teach the Core Competencies (Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Positive Personal and Cultural Identity, Personal Awareness and Responsibility, Social Responsibility)
  3. We embrace the realities and opportunities of the digital world and teach our students to be positive Digital Citizens.
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Program of Inquiry

In collaboration with Lee Watanabe-Crockett and Solution Fluency, our school staff is developing a Program of Inquiry that is informed by aspects of internationally recognized inquiry frameworks along with the building blocks of instilling an inquiry disposition in our students.

The Program of Inquiry will ensure continuity of language and scaffolding of inquiry skills from K-7. Through collaborative work our teachers are creating units of inquiry that are meaningful, relevant and engaging to our students. We are preparing our students for success through conceptual learning and design thinking.

As an inclusive program, iDEC is based upon leveraging digital opportunities within an inquiry based learning environment for “just in-time” learning. In primary we have 120 iPads available for student learning and students in grades 4-7 bring their own laptops to school. From literacy and numeracy apps to Fresh Grade, Google Classroom, Khan Academy and Photoshop, our devices are there to support our students to be modern learners ready for the modern world.

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Modern Learning Environments for a Modern World

The learning environment is often termed “the third teacher”. As we have changed the way students think, we have also changed the environment that thinking takes place in. The modern workplace values collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, trust, and an entrepreneurial spirit. Our classrooms reflect the modern workplace through different micro-environments – the campfire, the watchtower, the watering hole and the office. Each environment allows our students to self-regulate their own learning needs throughout the day.

As a school that has embraced Natural Pod, we are able to bring the outside in through environmentally friendly, non-toxic products that contribute to a calm and warm learning environment for our students.

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Wednesday Collaboration Time

Every Wednesday is our shortened day. On this day our classes end at 1:50pm (primary) or 2:00pm (intermediate) and students are assigned specific independent learning to be done at home. The home learning will focus on literacy, numeracy, inquiry and other aspects of weekly school learning. As we do not assign specific homework, this is a great opportunity for meaningful connected learning between a parent and child.

During this time, our teachers meet in teams to focus on the development of their Units of Inquiry. This collaboration time is key to ensuring all classes in each grade are having the same learning opportunities. The synergy of collaboration time has enriched student learning within our Program of Inquiry.

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Our Digital Learning

We are a technology infused school. What that looks like on a day-to-day basis is that digital tools are embedded across the learning. In our primary classes students utilize a variety of Apps that connect to their learning in literacy, numeracy, fine arts, inquiry and more. Our intermediate students use programs such as Google Classroom, Khan Academy and Duolingo – digital tools that have transformed how our school activates student learning. The ubiquitous use of digital tools is what sets iDEC apart, as is our Digital Art program which infuses technology with the fine arts. We are creating digital producers/creators through our use of technology.

How long during the day are our students in-front of screens? It depends on the learning happening in each classroom on a day-to-day basis, but student learning takes many forms and digital devices are utilized when they enhance the learning.

School Admissions

Caulfeild is pleased to accept both in-district and out-of-district applications for admissions.

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