Academically, Caulfeild students are successful learners:
Foundational Skills Assessment
Our student achievement has continued to demonstrate growth. In the last Fraser Report Report Card on school achievement (2018) we have been recognized for sustained growth over the past six years.

Over the past 4 years Caulfeild has demonstrated an upward trend in learning as indicated by the ▲ (…it uses statistical analysis to identify those dimensions of school performance in which there has likely been real change rather than a fluctuation in results caused by random occurrences…A trend is indicated only in those circumstances where five years of data are available and where it is determined to be statistically significant. Fraser Institute Report 2018)
Grade 4
100% of students Meeting or Exceeding Expectations
100% of students Meeting or Exceeding Expectations
100% of students Meeting or Exceeding Expectations
(there was a change in the format of delivery and reporting results this year)
Reading and Writing
94% of students Meeting or Exceeding Expectations
100% of students Meeting or Exceeding Expectations
Grade 7
98% of students Meeting or Exceeding Expectations
100% of students Meeting or Exceeding Expectations
100% of students Meeting or Exceeding Expectations
2017-2018 (there was a change in the format of delivery and reporting results this year)
Reading and Writing
95% of students Meeting or Exceeding Expectations
95% of students Meeting or Exceeding Expectations
The Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI)
Students feel connected to two or more adults.
Caulfeild: 53%
District: 74%
Caulfeild: 71% ⬆
District: 80%
“At my school there is an adult who believes I will be a success.”
Caulfeild: 65%
District: 74%
Caulfeild: 81% ⬆
District: 73%
Academic Self Concept
Children’s beliefs about their academic ability, including their perceptions of themselves as students and how interested and confident they feel in school. e.g. “I am certain I can learn the skills taught in school this year.”
Caulfeild: 72%
District: 85%
Caulfeild: 92% ⬆
District: 78%
School Climate
The overall tone of the school environment, including the way teachers and students interact and how students treat each other. e.g. “People care about each other in this school.”
Caulfeild: 54%
District: 70%
Caulfeild: 82% ⬆
District: 69%
Satisfaction Survey
Grade 4 students like school most or all the time
Caulfeild: 52%
District: 65%
Caulfeild: 79% ⬆
District: 67%
Grade 7 students like school most or all the time
Caulfeild: 53%
District: 65%
Caulfeild: 51% ⬇ 2%
District: 55%
Debriefing our Focus
The 2013-2014 Middle Years Instrument indicated that 47% of our students did not feel connected to two or more adults in the school. We may infer that there is also disconnection between our students.
We chose to create inquiry-based learning opportunities with cross-grade and multi-age groups within our whole school inquiries. Through this we were striving to develop a stronger sense of community and connection amongst our student and our model of learning. As indicated by the rising percentage of students feeling connected to two or more adults (71% in 2017-2018) we can see that we have made an impact on our students.
By so through Inquiry, we also built capacity in the implementation of our Inquiry-based model and the new curriculum.
Parent Survey – January 2018

I see the positive impact of Inquiry learning on my child when…

They are happy to come to school and talk about what they are learning about.
I see them taking the initiative on their own and an inquiry-driven approach to learn about anything new, no matter how bizarre the question or topic!
He looks for deeper meaning in the world around him.
Her confidence has grown to challenge herself to do her work with less help than usual and take risks in her effort to achieve.
They tell me what they have learned that blows my mind.
He shares what he is doing at school…unsolicited.
He speaks without prompting enthusiastically about what he is learning at school.
They are engaged in a socially relevant topic.
They ask me questions and want to research.
She excitedly tells me what she’s learned or experienced.
They make insightful comments about what they are learning and how it impacts them.
We have discussions around his schooling, when working together at home.
Comment on Inquiry

The inquiry aspect of the educational program and the overall pedagogy is great. I look forward to seeing my kids’ academic potential bloom even further as they progress through the grades, gaining more maturity through this program.
It is an excellent way to learn as it brings subject to life and make learning more meaningful.
I like the fact that they question things and want to know the why’s and the how’s.
It’s a nice compromise between the ‘standard’ educational track and IB.
I’ve enjoyed hearing about the whole school inquiries and multi-age groupings. These connections positively impact our child.
I enjoyed the additional strategic perspective inquiry lends to the learning experience.
It’s great and it’s the future.
Good foundation for future study and for children with good self regulation.
What is your child(ren)’s Personal Excellence (strengths)

Comment on Digital Learning
I think it is important, in the world we live in, to use digital learning to enhance curriculum and as an aid to gain better understanding.
In the parent-student interviews I was empresses about some of the wonderful digital learning enhancements that the kids at the school as benefiting from. Some I was unaware they were using.
It is such an important tool nowadays that i am very happy to see that kids are immersed into using technology since a very early age at Caulfeild.
My kids are fully digitally competent and its fantastic. I think Caulfield is preparing them for highschool learning and the future of learning. I am pleased to see that they can still read and write and do arithmetic on paper.
Comment on Learning Spaces
Great design for multiple functions, clean and uncluttered.
I like the fact that kids are given the opportunity to make their own decision while recognizing what works best for each of them to learn and feel safe and comfortable too.
My adhd child is blessed to have the space. Its less crucial for my non adhd child, but there is still benefit for sure in terms of collaboration and choice and need to self regulate. Its fantastic.
The learning spaces far exceed my expectations, they are aesthetically beautiful and offer our child a wonderful introduction to learning.
I like that they are able to move freely around the classroom. The rooms feel inviting, bright and organized.
Other Feedback
The inclusion of after school programs as part of the day is invaluable and incredibly convenient. The way my child looks forward to going to school, tells me that Caulfeild is a great place to learn.
Caulfeild is an impressive school, even more so that it is part of the public school system.
The school and staff are all fantastic. Very impressed with the extra curricular events like bingo, movie night, etc…