The iDEC Program

iDEC – Inquiry-based Digitally Enhanced Community. This is the underlying foundation of learning at our school.

Interested in Enrolling your child?

For domestic students, registration begins with an online application. If you are a resident living abroad or an international student, the process begins with a call or visit to our International department.


Caulfeild is a Kindergarten to Grade 7 school which focuses on the use of an inquiry/design thinking model of learning. Instruction is enhanced through the use of emerging technologies and our values of Responsibility, Empathy, Perseverance and the pursuit of Personal Excellence in all we do.

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Our School:

Caulfeild Elementary School (iDEC)

We are a community of curious and respectful learners engaged in meaningful inquiry in a digitally enhanced environment.




and Personal Excellence in all we do.



Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL), 2024 – 2027

In year one of our FESL, feedback was collected from the school community, including staff, students, and parents, to develop a meaningful three-year goal. Through these conversations, we developed a goal which focuses on Academic and Social Development, focused on the Bear Traits of “Tenacious”, “Creative” “Curious”, “Supportive” and “Vulnerable” and “Reflective”.  To learn more about the school FESL, see the link below. 

School Goal: Inspire students to grow as compassionate, tenacious individuals prepared to persevere through challenges.  

Subgoal 1 (Community Focus): Foster community connection through tenacious, collaborative projects that address personal, environmental and social issues. 

Subgoal 2 (Academic Focus): Build academic proficiency in numeracy by emphasizing perseverance and creative thinking during problem-solving. 

CA iDEC 2024 – 2027 FESL, Year One

Indigenous Education School Plan

Caulfeild Indigenous Education School Plan 2023 2024CA Year 3 FESL iDEC 2022-24

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