Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Lions Bay School is committed to:
- creating and maintaining a safe, caring, orderly and productive learning environment where students accept personal responsibility for themselves and the school community
- creating an environment where students feel safe, respected, free to learn without unnecessary distraction and have a strong sense of belonging within the school setting
- establishing clear expectations for student behaviour
- promoting the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law – prohibiting discrimination based on appearance, indigenous identity, race, colour, disability, sex, real or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and age – in respect of discriminatory publication and discrimination in accommodation, service, and facility in the school environment
Code of Conduct
The culture at Lions Bay School is built upon a common language of kindness and respect. We ask students, staff, and community members to observe the rights of others by being responsible citizens and thinking of the needs of those around them before their own; by adhering to this Code of Conduct at all times. Individuals involved in actions or behaviours that are contrary to the Code of Conduct will be reminded about expectations and will be involved in appropriate restoration when necessary.
Please note that special considerations may apply to specific students if they are unable to comply with a Code of Conduct expectation due to having an identified disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional, or behavioural nature; special consideration and advocacy may also apply for students and families of indigenous ancestry, with an approach that is mindful of historical context and indigenous ways of knowing and perspectives.
Acceptable Behaviour
At Lions Bay School we endeavour to:
- Establish and maintain an environment where students, staff, and families feel safe, respected, and have a strong sense of belonging within the school setting, by being kind, safe and fair
- Obey district, school, and classroom rules
- Refrain from violence or threats of violence
- Act within the guidelines of our school acronym ROAR:
Respect – We aim to respect ourselves and treat others the way we want to be treated. We endeavor to be environmentally conscious citizens and to preserve the forest. We always try to respect both public and personal property.
Ownership – We try to take responsibility for one’s own behaviour. We are expected to be honest and take ownership when we make a mistake.
Acceptance – We aim to treat others with kindness and to show tolerance for ideas that may be different.
Responsibility – We work towards taking responsibility for our actions, materials and the forest.