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Our School

Gleneagles Elementary School

Gleneagles Ch’axáý Elementary is committed to create and maintain a safe, caring, orderly and productive learning environment where students accept personal responsibilities for themselves and the school community.

To create an environment where students feel safe, respected, free to learn without unnecessary distraction and have a strong sense of belonging within the school setting. To establish clear expectations for student behaviour at school, traveling to and from school and while attending/participating in school functions or any activities or circumstances at anytime that may impact the school environment – including on-line behaviour (e.g. website postings, blogs, etc.) and communication with electronic devices (e.g. email, text messages, etc.). To promote the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law — prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation and age – in respect of discriminatory publication and discrimination in accommodation, service and facility in the school environment.

Gleneagles students are P.O.W.E.R.-ful learners. Students and staff work together to show P.O.W.E.R. :

Positive Attitude
We participate enthusiastically.
We are accountable for our actions and choices.
We not Me
We are safe, empathetic and welcoming.
We strive to do our best.
We care for self, each other and our environment.

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Gleneagles Elementary School

Our Mission

It is our mission to enable students to achieve literacy, numeracy and social responsibility in a nurturing and stimulating environment committed to high standards.

Action Plan for Student Learning

Goal #1: To improve students’ writing skills

Goal #2: To improve students’ socially responsible behaviour

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Gleneagles Ch’axáý  Elementary is located at the western point of West Vancouver, bordered by Gleneagles Golf Course, the Upper Levels Highway and Howe Sound, and includes students from Horseshoe Bay, Lions Bay and Eagle Harbour. Gleneagles Ch’axáý School is a traditional building, constructed in the 1950’s, and beautifully maintained. It has thirteen classrooms, a sophisticated music room, a large, well-stocked Learning Commons, a dedicated Art room and a gym with a stage. Students have access at recess and lunch hour to a large gravel playing field, two adventure playscapes, various asphalt play areas and a beautiful wooded area. Gleneagles students are fortunate in having easy walking access to beaches, ferries to Langdale, Bowen Island and Nanaimo, Horseshoe Bay, and various hiking trails

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