Gleneagles Elementary School
Hot Lunch
Hot Lunch Registration
Gleneagles Ch’axay is pleased to offer an assortment of lunches Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Menu offered from LunchiBrunchi.
Menu offered from Fresh Bay Pizza.
Menu offered through Sushi Katsu.
Menu offered through Subway.
Important Things to Note:
- Our serving sizes must accommodate kindergarteners through seventh graders. You may wish to increase the number of servings for children with bigger appetites.
- If your student has food allergies, please be aware that we cannot control ingredients used by our various vendors.
- Please review your order carefully.
How to Order
- Visit Munch a Lunch website
- Create your family account by clicking on “New Users click here” and follow the prompts. If you already have an account from last year, your login and password remain the same.
- Review the choices with your child and double check your quantities at the end of the ordering process. If you wish to delete certain dates from your order, you do so at the end of the selection process. Scroll down all the way to the bottom to verify your order then press “Submit My Order”. Remember, there are no refunds or changes after the deadline.
- You can pay for your orders by credit card or PayPal account OR you may still pay by cheques. If paying by cheque, please make your cheque out to “Gleneagles PAC” and deposit it into the Hot Lunch envelope in the school office.
- After creating your account, you can return to your account anytime by clicking on “Returning Users click here”.
Please note that if you already have a login from Lions Bay, it will NOT work on the Gleneagles system; to create a Gleneagles login and password, LB parents will need to call Munchalunch at 604-288-2446.
Please contact gechotlunch@gmail.com for any assistance.