News and Announcements

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Sister School


Lions Bay Community School has a “sister school” in Guatemala called the Susanna Wesley School. The students participate in art exchanges, video exchanges, and other activities, giving them all wonderful opportunities to connect with children in very different settings and learn a little about another culture in the meanwhile.

School Planning Council

Lions Bay Community School has a “sister school” in Guatemala called the Susanna Wesley School. The students participate in art exchanges, video exchanges, and other activities, giving them all wonderful opportunities to connect with children in very different settings and learn a little about another culture in the meanwhile.

Emergency Preparedness Team

The emergency preparedness team keeps track of the school’s emergency supplies and inventory, keeps them up to date and determines if further items are needed. The PAC Chair sits on this committee with two other parents. The committee usually meets 2 times per year, in joint meetings with the Lions Bay Playschool.

Classroom Parents

Classroom parents may need to help teachers organize an activity or phone classmates when school is closed or an emergency arises.

Extracurricular Activities

Parents volunteer to run lunch time or after-school activities. A large variety of activities has been offered in the past: T-ball, soccer, Spanish lessons, basketball, beading classes, etc., and we are always open to new ideas! Extracurricular activities need a teacher sponsor. Parent volunteers running the program also need to have a criminal record check.

And Anything Else You Can Think of

The PAC is a place to share and present new initiatives for the school. Parents with creative ideas for new projects for the school are always welcome! A few examples of past initiatives include: school grounds improvement group, special needs liaison, Qwest food drive, milk program, fruit and veggie program and the list goes on…

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