Summer Learning


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Elementary Programs

All courses and sections are subject to enrolment and Board approval. Students are placed in courses according to grade level and the Summer Learning Placement Priority outlined on the Summer Learning home page. Registrants for oversubscribed courses will be placed on a wait-list and will be notified by email if space becomes available. Courses with insufficient enrolment will be cancelled and all registrants will be notified through email. Program details such as dates, times, and courses are subject to change.

Online registration for Elementary courses opens April 7th at 8am

Online registration for Elementary courses closes May 9th at 1pm

Course Descriptions

Students at both sites will be placed in class by grade level. Daily sessions include a 20 minute outdoor break.

Literacy and Numeracy – For students who are completing Kindergarten to Grade 6 in June

These non-credit BC Ministry of Education courses will include Literacy and Numeracy or French Literacy and will focus on Core Competencies, Big Ideas, Curricular Competencies and Content and Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Learning. Students will actively engage in these curricular areas while reviewing their 2024-2025 skills as they prepare for the year ahead.

Please see the BC Curriculum for more detailed curriculum information.

Elementary Summer Learning Sites – Two Locations

Summer Learning at the Ridgeview Elementary School Site
1250 Mathers Avenue, West Vancouver, BC

Elementary Course Offerings

Literacy and Numeracy
Dates: Wednesday, July 2nd – Friday, July 18th, 2025
Daily sessions include a 20 minute outdoor break.

8.40am – 12.05pm; or

8.50am – 12.15pm

Summer Learning at the Pauline Johnson Elementary School Site
1150 22nd Street, West Vancouver, BC

Elementary Course Offerings

Literacy and Numeracy; and
French Literacy (for students currently enroled in the Early French Immersion program)
Dates: Wednesday, July 2nd – Friday, July 18th, 2025
Daily sessions include a 20 minute outdoor break.

8.40am – 12.05pm; or

8.50am – 12.15pm

Students at both sites will be placed in class by grade level.

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