Registration Requirements
West Vancouver public school students
- Nine-digit Personal Education Number (PEN) (Available on report card or through your school office)
Out of District and independent school students – documentation requirements
Good quality PDF copies of all the following documents must be attached to the registration form in order for it to be considered complete.
Please note: You may be required to provide additional documents and/or have your documentation verified in person by WVS Summer Learning staff.
- Student’s birth certificate (original and official translation if applicable)
- Student’s proof of citizenship (Canadian passport, Government-issued Status Card, or PR card)
- Parent’s proof of citizenship (Canadian passport, Government-issued Status Card, or PR card)
- Proof of residence showing parent’s name (2025 assessment or current tenancy agreement)
- One primary residential support document in parent’s name (current-dated utility bill) or three secondary support documents in parent’s name (ICBC car registration, current-dated mobile phone bill, current-dated credit card statement, tenant’s insurance contract)
- IEP (if applicable)
Fee-paying International students
- Nine-digit Personal Identification Number (PEN)
- Summer Learning course fee payment
Fundable Admissions students (Diplomat, Refugee, Work Permit, Study Permit)
- Nine-digit Personal Education Number (PEN)
- Student file number issued by Fundable Admissions department
Please note: We are only able to accept registrations from international fee-paying students and Diplomat, Refugee, Study Permit, or Work Permit students already enroled in a school within the West Vancouver School District for the 2025-2026 school year. Secondary level fee-paying students must also have attended a West Vancouver school for the 2024-2025 school year. If you have any questions, please contact
Notice of Collection:
The information on these forms is collected under the authority of the School Act and the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and pursuant to West Vancouver Schools (School District No. 45 West Vancouver) Administrative Procedures (AP) 180, 185, and 320. The information and consent collected will be used by the School District for the purposes of delivering and administering educational programs and activities for students, accommodating student needs, communicating with parents and students, ensuring compliance with school rules and regulations, ensuring order and safety at school, evaluating student performance, and complying with the School District’s legal, regulatory, and administrative requirements. If you have any questions or concerns about the collection, use or disclosure of the personal information collected, please contact the school principal.

Online registration for all courses OPENS April 7th at 8am
Elementary registration CLOSES May 9th at 1pm
Secondary registration CLOSES June 13th at 1pm