Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL)

What is the FESL?
A requirement of the BC Ministry of Education and Child Care is for each school to prepare a Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL), which outlines specific goals and objectives to improve student success. This is a three-year plan that:

  • Ensures capacity building and a system-wide commitment to continuous improvement and life-long learning;
  • Recognizes the individual learning needs of students and fosters equitable and inclusive learning environments;
  • Focuses on intellectual, career, human and social development

Our current FESL goal (2023-26) is to enhance students’ ability to communicate their understanding through writing. While students express their learning in various ways, prioritizing clear and effective writing fosters a school-wide culture that values their voices, thoughts, and opinions, empowering them to share their insights confidently.

Key Areas of Focus:

  • To improve the quality of student writing (K-7)
  • To increase student’s ability to communicate when writing using a variety of styles and strategies

For additional details, plese refer to our full Framework for Enhancing Student Learning: GEC LB FESL 2024-25

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