Programs and Services
Eagle Harbour Montessori School
With an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural psychological development, Eagle Harbour Montessori School offers 5 to 12 year-olds with the British Columbia Ministry of Education curriculum delivered in the traditional approach developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori.
Eagle Harbour Montessori Preschool
Located on the Eagle Harbour Montessori School campus, Wise Owl Montessori offers Montessori preschool classes for 3 to 5 year-olds in a nurturing and supportive environment in which every student has the opportunity to experience academic and personal success.
Before and After School Care
Wise Owl Montessori is pleased to offer Eagle Harbour Montessori School students with before and after-school care following the same discovery-based Montessori philosophy in which they thrive.
Strong Start BC Early Learning
On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 9:00 am and 11:30am, Eagle Harbour Montessori School offers preschoolers and their caregivers a FREE early learning program offering play-based early learning programs facilitated by certified Early Learning Educators.
Children will enjoy story time, music and singing, play-based activities, art, puzzles, and a healthy snack, while caregivers will learn about effective early learning and child guidance practices, and meet and make connections with other caregivers.
To register, please bring your child’s original birth certificate or passport with you on your first visit. For more information, please contact our StrongStart Facilitator, at 604-981-1387.
Learning Services at Eagle Harbour
Supporting all students so that they can do their best learning is what our school community is focused on at Eagle Harbour. Our Learning Services team is designed to provide a variety of important structures and supports to meet the needs of all our learners from Kindergarten to Grade 5.
Learning Support Teacher: providing in class and specialized support collaboratively with classroom teachers.
Counselling Services: Individual and classroom strategic support.
English Language Learning (ELL): To learn more about ELL learning support services in West Vancouver please visit the district web site: ELL in WV Schools
Eagle Harbour Montessori School offers students a wide assortment of activities to stimulate exploration and support discovery-based learning such as filmmaking, badminton, salmon raising, gardening, opera writing, and philanthropic activities, among others. We also take students on a variety of curriculum-related field trips through the year to enhance learning. Visit our calendar to learn about the many activities we offer to students.
Eagle Harbour Montessori School supports digital literacy and incorporates technology in student learning on a daily basis.