Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL) 

Each school is required to have a Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL) document which outlines specific goals and objectives to improve student success.   

Eagle Harbour Montessori’s goal is:   All Our Stories Matter

Our question – how do we amplify our work in telling stories and transmitting knowledge through storytelling (oral, written, digital) and does this increase our feeling and sense of belonging in our community?  

For more detailed information, please refer to the full FESL document below.    

Please reach out to Nathan Blackburn or Debbie Tobin ( or if you have any questions or wish to learn more. 

EHMS FESL (2022-2025)

EHMS FESL (2023-2025)

EHMS Capstone May 2022

EHMS FESL (2019-2022)

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