DPAC General Meeting Minutes and Agendas

All DPAC General Meetings are held at the Inglewood Learning Centre (portables at the back of WVSS) at 9:15 am. All parents/guardians of students currently enrolled in a West Vancouver public school are welcome to attend.

Minutes 2023-2024

Wednesday, October 4th 2023 – Agenda | Minutes
If you would like to attend our general meeting or stay up to date on our latest initiatives, subscribe to our emails HERE.

Wednesday, November 1st 2023 – Agenda | Minutes
If you would like to attend our general meeting or stay up to date on our latest initiatives, subscribe to our emails HERE.

Wednesday, December 6th 2023 – No public meeting
PAC Networking opportunity: World Cafe – topics of discussion for each table: By-Laws/Governance, Finance/Fundraising, Traffic and Safety, Hot Lunch, Afterschool programs

Wednesday, January 10th 2024 – No public meeting 
District only: School Trustee Liaison – Technology – From being safe online to using AI – how Technology is impacting learning in schools .

Wednesday, February 7th 2024 – Agenda | Minutes
If you would like to attend our general meeting or stay up to date on our latest initiatives, subscribe to our emails HERE.

Wednesday, March 6th 2024 – Agenda | Minutes
If you would like to attend our general meeting or stay up to date on our latest initiatives, subscribe to our emails HERE.

Wednesday, April 3rd 2023 – Agenda | Minutes
If you would like to attend our general meeting or stay up to date on our latest initiatives, subscribe to our emails HERE.

Wednesday, May 1st 2024 – Agenda | Minutes
If you would like to attend our general meeting or stay up to date on our latest initiatives, subscribe to our emails HERE.

Wednesday, June 5th 2023 – Agenda | Minutes (AGM)
If you would like to attend our general meeting or stay up to date on our latest initiatives, subscribe to our emails HERE.

Resources for PAC Treasurers

Additional Resources

March 2024 –
Unpacking the Post-Secondary Transition Process

September 2023 –
Sexual Health supports: Saleema Noon – Sexual Health Educators
Saleema Noon – Smart Things To Say Series (free downloads):
10 Good reasons to start talking about Body Science
What Kids Wanna Know-Grades K to 3
What Kids Wanna Know-Grades 4 to 5_Part 1
What Kids Wanna Know-Grades 4 to 5_Part-2
What Preteens Wanna Know-Grades 6 to 7
Answering Questions Preteens
Consent, Safety and Respect
Canadian Laws of Consent
Healthy Masculinity
Instagram – What To Know
Snapchat – What To Know
TikTok – What To Know
Sexting – What To Know
Sexualized Song Lyrics
Talking About Pornography

Sexual and Romantic Orientation Dictionary

June 2023 –
PAC Handbook Templates:
PAC Handbook Template WORD
PAC Handbook Template PPTX

October 2022 –
Open Parachute – Families in SD45 now have open access the audio and visual parent resources of Open Parachute

Web and Communication Meeting – hosted by Tricia Buckley, Manager of Communications & Community Engagement – Communications Presentation

January 2022 –
Q&A session Dr. Mark Lysyshyn, Deputy Chief Medical Health Officer with Vancouver Coastal Health – hosted by Superintendent Chris Kennedy and NVSD’s Superintendent Mark Pearmain (VIDEO)

October 2021 –
West Vancouver Schools HVAC Improvement Information

February 2021 –
West Vancouver Memorial Library by Shannon Ozirny
February Superintendent’s Report by Chris Kennedy

January 2021 – Liaison Meeting
Indigenous Education – Westcot (PowerPoint) /
Indigenous Education – Westcot (Video)
Indigenous Education – WVSS (PowerPoint) / Indigenous Education – WVSS (Video)
SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) – West Bay (PowerPoint)
SOGI – Sentinel (PowerPoint) / SOGI – Sentinel (Video)
Anti-Racism Education – Hollyburn (PowerPoint) / Anti-Racism Education – Hollyburn (Video)
Anti-Racism Education – Rockridge (PowerPoint) / Anti-Racism Education – Rockridge (Video)

December 2020
December Superintendent’s Report by Chris Kennedy

Esports Presentation by Diane Nelson (Director of Instruction, WVS), Katina Pupulkas (Education Strategist, Dell Technologies), Jacob Martin (Marketing Manager, Esports Canucks & Entertainment representing The Vancouver Titans),  Jeff Huang (Math & Science Teacher, Sentinel Secondary & Esports Club Sponsor Teacher)

June 2020
Summer Learning and Synchronous/Asynchronous Learning Presentation by Liz Hill and Ian Kennedy


PAC Resources

Robert's Rules of Order

PACs and DPAC in our district are governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.
Robert’s Rules of Order official website
An easy to understand guide to running your PAC meetings use Robert’s Rules of Order:
Managing PAC meetings with Roberts Rules

RSS Superintendent Chris Kennedy’s Blog

  • 28 Reasons To Love Teaching from a 28 Year Veteran June 24, 2024
    The last two years I have finished the school year with posts of lists that have been a lot of fun to write. In 2022, I wrote 26 Years, 26 Teachers, 26 Lessons and last year I wrote 27 Ways Schools are Better to wrap-up my 27th year. As teaching shortages locally and globally have […]
  • Gen AI – Governments, Districts and Schools May 30, 2024
    Checking back in on AI.  So, when it comes to gen AI in education – where do we start?  It is a question that is paralyzing many.  I am reminded of this Spiderman meme: All levels in education point at the others expecting them to take the lead.   One of the reasons that the gen […]
  • Is School for Learning New Ideas or Confirming What We Already Know? May 1, 2024
    As we navigate the halls of our schools – whether those are the traditional ones or the virtual ones, a question emerges that challenges the core of our educational journey: Are we here to discover the unknown or to reinforce what we already believe? As I read news stories from around North America recently, I […]
  • Technology and Innovation – Where Next? April 1, 2024
    When you are known for technology and innovation, you experience this ongoing mix of excitement and adrenalin at some points of the year and anxiety and worry at other points. The question I get asked most is – “So, what’s next?”   I usually just want to snap back, “Come on, can we just do what […]
  • Embracing Physical Literacy: More Than Just Fitness March 11, 2024
     I have written before (HERE) about the importance of not just moving more, but developing physical literacy skills with students.  This was pre-pandemic. And if anything the limited activity many had during the COVID-19 pandemic increased these challenges leading to what many are seeing as a health crisis. In the world of education, we rightly […]
ERASE = Expect Respect and A Safe Education
An online resource


Find help for the prevention of bullying and violence; critical incident support; child and youth mental health; Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity; online safety; and substance abuse.

Go to https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/erase

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