How Will You Be Remembered?

June 28, 2016 - 3 minutes read

Only ten months ago you embarked upon your Grade 7 year – a milestone in your Elementary School career. You were told you would be the leaders – the biggest, the oldest, the role-models, the students that would drive changes forward. And you have succeeded.

As you enter the summer before your new high school adventures, I challenge you to reflect upon all that you have accomplished, all you have become. As graduating Hollyburn Heroes, you know what life will ask of you and you have the skills and mindset to answer boldly.

You are Thinkers. You are metacognitive and can explore various ways of knowing and understanding. You have a ‘growth mind-set’ and acknowledge that making mistakes is sometimes the way we learn and grow. You make connections between various subject areas and appreciate that our world is forever changing – for the better. You have ideas to continue to support these positive changes.

You are Communicators. You come from a multitude of countries, bringing traditions, viewpoints, and passions. You value the fact that it is our differences that make us unique. Hollyburn is a school where change has been a constant and diversity has long been celebrated over the years. It is your ability to work collaboratively through open communication and open arms that has helped our school community understand the importance of leading by example while following our Code of Conduct and engaging in ethical and authentic uses of technology and innovation.

You are personally and socially competent. Continued education around self-regulation makes you self-aware about the tools and conditions you require to learn and engage. You are mindful, too, of the needs of others far less fortunate as you passionately take local and global action to make a difference in a global market.

You are grounded in a ‘sense of place’. You respect the historical beauty of Canada’s First Peoples and our local Squamish Nation. You interact with our great outdoors celebrating the fact that the nearby ocean, mountains and parks are only a continuation of your classroom walls.

Graduates, it is my hope that each of you look back on your years at Hollyburn with fondness. I urge you to continue to celebrate your uniqueness, hone your strengths and find your passion so that you lead a joyful and satisfying life. May you go on to be leaders and to be catalysts for change. Know that you can always return to Hollyburn where you will be welcomed with open arms.

My very best wishes for all of you as you continue on your learning journey. ​