Studio Art
Presenter – Barbara Sunday
This Studio Art Institute will provide teachers with an overview of preparation possibilities and presentation requirements for the 3-D Design, 2-D Design, and Drawing Portfolios. Student success through the demonstration of high-quality visual problem solving will be a key concern throughout.
The following topics will be thoroughly covered: defining the parameters and examining the specifications for each portfolio section, striving for highest possible Quality results both in planning for differentiated instruction and mentoring individual students, and using the rubrics and knowledge of the Reading process to maximize student results for each section of each portfolio. Teaching strategies, sharing best practices, and examining suitable resources will be highlighted throughout the week.
Each day, time will be devoted to increasing possibilities for the development of Breadth and Concentration by reviewing student work in PowerPoint format, examining the contents of actual portfolios, and engaging in studio samplers that address specific instructional issues.
Participants will be provided with many visuals, an ample handout, and a range of actual portfolios. Although all materials for studio examples will be provided, it is suggested that participants bring the following items:
- Camera
- Sketchbook
- Laptop (rooms are wireless)
- USB Drive
In addition, participants are invited to prepare a short (10 minute) “best practice” presentation that outlines one lesson strategy for an aspect of Studio Art AP or Pre-AP to share with the group. Also, if participants have AP or Pre-AP student work that they would like to discuss, they are invited to bring it along. The week is for participants to develop as much as they can.
Barbara Sunday – Bio
Barbara Sunday began her teaching career in Jamaica, West Indies, and has taught AP Studio Art at Sentinel Secondary School in West Vancouver, Canada, for 22 years. Barb is also an experienced elementary teacher, has served as a District Art Coordinator, and has lectured in Art Education at both The University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University. Barb has served in a variety of positions and presented workshops for the British Columbia Art Teachers Association, and the National Art Educators Association.
Barb has been an AP Studio Art Reader for 8 years and has served as a Table Leader at the Reading for 3 years. She has given numerous AP and Pre-AP workshops across Canada, in the Western US Region, and internationally. She has presented weeklong institutes in Detroit, San Diego, Bellevue, Hawaii, Chicago, Las Vegas, Victoria, and Toronto. Barb has been the recipient of the NAEA Pacific Region Award, Art Educator of the Year Award, and the BCATA Art Teacher of The Year Award. Barb has presented several short and full-day sessions for the Annual Advanced Placement Conference and has recently served 3 years on their Steering Committee.