AP European History
Presenter – Gerald Hurd
Monday July 10
-Purpose of the AP Course
-Demographics of Students
-Expectations/Syllabus Development
-Textbook Choice/Choices
-The AP Reading(What it’s like)
-How the Exam is scored/Grading holistically
-Methods on Improving Writing Skills
-The DBQ/Training Packets and sample readings
-Scoring the DBQ/Explanation of the DBQ Rubric
Tuesday July 11
-Continue with DBQ
-Strategies and approaches to DBQ writing
-The Thesis Statement!!!!
-Revisit DBQ Packet.
-Core Scoring
-Begin FRQ information/Short answer structure
-FRQ Training Packets/Rubric for FRQ
-Follow up on improving writing skills/handouts
-Point of View(POV) in Writing
Wednesday July 12
-Continue with FRQ/Long Essay
-Writing Strategies/In class exercises
-Literature/Music and Video in the classroom
*a variety of literature/visual material will be handed out
-Various strategies to evaluate visuals
-Other Visual/Historical movies…Scenes
-Resources for AP teachers/Variety of Hand-outs and classroom strategies
-Projects that can be tied to visual material
Thursday July 13
-The plan is to spend one session/morning or afternoon in computer lab if possible
-How to prepare for the AP test
-Pacing the course/where should I be and when
-Internet resources
-Projects after the test
-Movies and AP Euro
-Review weeks work
-Strategies for Post-test Activities
-Equal Opportunity Information
-Updates from College Board
All participants are encouraged to bring a copy of your syllabus. I am looking forward to meeting you and have no doubt that you will enjoy our time together. The schedule has flexibility to include your specific needs and any other discussion/concerns you might have. Any questions…feel free to e-mail me. Jerryh@cksd.wednet.edu.
***All sessions will center on the new course design and approaches***
Gerald Hurd – Bio
I have been a classroom teacher for 42 yrs. I have taught Geography, Economics, African History, U.S. History, and 20th Century Global Affairs I presently teach in the Central Kitsap School District in Silverdale, Washington at Olympic High School. I teach AP Psychology, World History, and AP European History. For the past 18 yrs. I have been a reader for the AP European History College Board Exam. 13 of those years I have been a Table Leader and in the past I have been a selector, a group that meets before the reading begins to help set the standards for the grading of the DBQ and Free-Response essays at the reading. I was voted most outstanding Table Leader in 2002 at the AP Reading. I have done workshops/institutes in Salt Lake City, Utah, Denver, Colorado, Phoenix Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Fresno, California, San Gabriel, California and Bellevue, Washington. I have had the opportunity to review and contribute to the “Preparing for the AP European History Exam” by Kaplan Publishing, and Barons AP Exam Review Book and outline notes.