Page 20 - WVS Viewbook 2017
P. 20


SCHOOL ADMISSIONSPlease see the programs area of our website for information on applying 

to specific programs, such as our Premier Academies, Youth Train in 

Applications for admission are open to both residents and non-residents Trades Carpentry, Outside45, First Aid Swim Training, District Honour 

of the school district.Choir, Ignite Your Passion and the International Baccalaureate ® (IB) 

diploma program.


Apply early! Many of our programs and schools are in high demand, so it 
From mid-January until early February, West Vancouver Schools accepts 
is important to apply as early as possible to increase the likelihood that 

applications from students living either inside or outside the district who 
your child will be placed according to your preferences.
wish to transfer schools.

Kindergarten applications begin in mid-October for the following school 
year that begins in September.

Many of our programs of choice begin accepting students as early as Grades 1- to 12 in-catchment applications are also invited at this time. 

January for intake the following September. For some of these programs, 

Early French Immersion placement is determined by a lottery process held
a separate application process has been established, and criteria are 

established by the school and/or program December.

International applications are accepted starting November 1 for the 

following school year that begins in September.

International students may enter either at the beginning of September or 

the beginning of February each school year.

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